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Event: 8/1/12 - Citizens for Liberty Monthly Meeting

 Let's Take Our Country Back!

Are you sick and tired of the government & both political parties trying to take away your freedoms? Are you angry over the ObamaCare ruling? Do you want to take your country back? Then you've found the right group! We can help.

We will be speaking about our plans & what we hope to accomplish, how YOU can get involved, as well as upcoming events & rallies.

We will also be talking about how & what you can do to GET OUT THE VOTE! The magnificent Perry Bentley will be speaking. He is director of the Montgomery County Victory Center who is young & has a clear plan of action.

We will also have special guest Jim Billman who is running for PA Representative & is also the leader of the Berks County Patriots. He will speak to us & give a short presentation about 'Emergency Preparedness' & what to do in case of a natural disaster, Obama's Martial Law or even a terrorist attack. It will be very informative, eye opening, & fun! Just look what happened several weeks ago in Jersey & down south. Some people were out of power for a week & were forced to go to shelters. We can not entirely rely on the govt to protect us all the time. Take Katrina for one example. Military & police illegally entered people's homes, illegally confiscated their legal firearms & assaulted some of them. It ended it being that only the criminals had guns & innocent families couldn't protect themselves anymore.

The amazing Laura Freed will speak to us about the importance of social media & the many ways that we can take action by using it.

We will also be having an open discussion so that your voice can be heard too! We hope you can make it & join us in the fight for Liberty! 

We have the pleasure of having it at an amazing restaurant so feel free to eat and drink. Try to arrive 15mns early for food & parking. 

When: Wednesday August 1st, 2012
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Spamps Restaurant & Bar (Entrance is on the corner across from a parking garage. We will be upstairs in the private room.)
16 East 1st Avenue
Conshohocken, PA 19428