This event is FREE & open to like-minded individuals. Please RSVP!
[WHEN] Wednesday, May 15th
[TIME] Meeting starts promptly at 7pm, doors open at 6pm.
[WHERE] Giacomo's Restaurant
368 E Main St Norristown, PA 19401
(610) 277-7277
The Federal Reserve is a private, unelected group of banks that was created by congress in 1913 and was given the previously congressional responsibility of money creation. Ever since, the dollar has declined in value by 95%. The Federal Reserve does this by inflation, or expansion of the money supply. This acts as a hidden tax that requires you to pay more dollars for every product and service to recoup that loss in purchasing power. In addition to this the fed artificially sets interest rates, funds the bailouts, and picks economic winners and losers. They are the biggest root cause to our failing economy, the wars, and the shredding of our Constitution.
Come and find out what you can do to save our Constitutional Republic from the evil clenches of the central banks that want to destroy our U.S. Sovereignty and create a global government police state.
* Jackie Piotrowski will speak about local & state issues..
* Steve Piotrowski will give his monthly Liberty Report.
* Dave Giordano, our special guest speaker will talk about America’s Economic Meltdown, The U.S. Constitution, Sound Money and the Federal Reserve.
* Open Discussion: This will be your opportunity to be heard!
Following this meeting will be a nationwide End The Fed Rally happening Saturday May 18, Noon, at the Federal Reserve Building, 10 North Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106