I drafted legislation that is similar to private property rights
legislation recently passed as law in Alabama. My legislation would prohibit The Commonwealth/State of
Pennsylvania and its political subdivions from adopting and developing
environmental and developmental policies that, without due process, would
infringe or restrict the private property rights of the owner of the property.
I hope you will join me in defending private property rights and environmental rights in Pennsylvania.
If you have any questions, please contact Steve Piotrowski at Steviep382@gmail.com
I hope you will join me in defending private property rights and environmental rights in Pennsylvania.
If you have any questions, please contact Steve Piotrowski at Steviep382@gmail.com
Property Rights Preservation
Relating to due process; to prohibit the
State of Pennsylvania and its political
subdivisions from adopting and developing
environmental and developmental policies
that, without due process, would infringe or
restrict the private property rights of the
owner of the property.
BE IT ENACTED BY THE General Assembly of the
Commonwealth/State of Pennsylvania:
Section 1. (a) As used in this section,
"political subdivisions" means all State,
County, Townships, Municipality, incorporated
City, unincorporated City, public local
entity, public-private partnership, and any
other public entity of this Commonwealth/
State, a County, Township, Municipality or
(b) The Commonwealth/State of Pennsylvania
and all political subdivisions may not adopt
or implement policy recommendations that
deliberately or inadvertently infringe or
restrict private property rights without due
process, as may be required by policy
recommendations originating in, or traceable
to "Agenda 21," adopted by the United Nations
in 1992 at its Conference on Environment and
Development or any other international law or
ancillary plan of action that contravenes the
Constitution for the United States of America
or the Constitution of the Commonwealth/State
of Pennsylvania.
(c) Since the United Nations has accredited
and enlisted numerous non-governmental and
inter-governmental organizations to assist in
the implementation of its policies relative
to Agenda 21 around the world, the
Commonwealth/State of Pennsylvania and all
political subdivisions thereof shall not
enter into any agreement, expend any sum of
money, or receive funds contracting services,
or giving financial aid to or from those
nongovernmental and inter-governmental
nongovernmental and inter-governmental
organizations as defined in Agenda 21.
Section 2. This act shall become effective on
the first day of the third month following
its passage and approval by the Governor, or
its otherwise becoming law.