We are organizing a group of activists, professionals, and doctors to come to our meeting, to speak with the community about why we must STOP ObamaCare and Governor Corbett's Health Care Exchanges. This goes beyond the 2 party system, it's not about democrats or republicans, its about doing whats right for America. This is 2 days before the states have to make a final decision. Come out, get educated, and get active!
Special guest Speakers confirmed so far are Katy Weber Abram from Americans for Prosperity,
Dr Nick Pandelidis who is the VP of the PA Chapter of Docs4PatientCare,
and William Taylor Reil who is an expert constitutionalist on
WHEN: Wednesday, December 12th
TIME: Doors open at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7pm
WHERE: St. Mark's Lutheran Church
508 Harry Street
Conshohocken, PA 19428
IMPORTANT DETAILS: It's located one block in from Fayette Street on East Fifth Avenue, on the corner of 5th and Harry Street. A parking lot is across the street. We will be in the basement auditorium. Signs will be posted for your convenience.
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/134031653413819/