We are asking that you join us on Saturday September 22nd for the Nationwide End The Fed Rally!!! Its in Philly & starts at noon. We are meeting at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelph
bunch of us from CFL are taking the 10:57am train from Conshohocken PA
down to the Philly rally. We'd love to have you join us for an awesome
ride down! Bring flags & posters!! #EndTheFed2012
What is the FED you ask? The Federal Reserve is a private, unelected group of banks that was created by congress in 1913 and was given the previously congressional responsibility of money creation. They are no more "federal" than Federal Express. Ever since their creation, the dollar has declined in value. The Federal Reserve does this by inflation, or expansion of the money supply. This acts as a hidden tax that requires you to pay more dollars for every product and service to recoup that loss in purchasing power. In addition to this, the fed artificially sets interest rates, funds the bailouts, and picks economic winners and losers. They are the biggest root cause to our failing economy.
What is the FED you ask? The Federal Reserve is a private, unelected group of banks that was created by congress in 1913 and was given the previously congressional responsibility of money creation. They are no more "federal" than Federal Express. Ever since their creation, the dollar has declined in value. The Federal Reserve does this by inflation, or expansion of the money supply. This acts as a hidden tax that requires you to pay more dollars for every product and service to recoup that loss in purchasing power. In addition to this, the fed artificially sets interest rates, funds the bailouts, and picks economic winners and losers. They are the biggest root cause to our failing economy.
AFP’s National Prosperity Action Day this Saturday, the 22nd,
and they need your help! They will be hosting their freedom phone banks
throughout the greater Philadelphia area from 9AM to 9PM with Special
Guest Tucker Carlson from the Weekly Standard. Most of you have probably
seen him on Fox News.
are the locations and addresses of each of our phone banks. Tucker
Carlson will be dropping by each of these locations during the below
will be providing breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for everyone.
Their top callers will win all kinds of prizes so join AFP for a day of
fun, food, prizes and PHONE CALLS!!!
All of these events are 9AM to 9PM, the times in bold are when tucker carlson will be coming by.
9am - 11am - Hilton Garden Inn - 1100 arch st, Philadelphia. Field Coordinator, Alvaro Watson, 215.510.7374
11am - 1pm Timothy's Restaurant in the Parkway Shopping - 929 South High Street, West Chester PA, 19382 Field Coordinator - Matthew Hissy, 610.209.7565
1pm - 3pm - Hampton Inn - 530 West Dekalb Pike King of Prussia, PA 19406 Field Coordinator: Ed Boyd, 215.970.1575
3pm - 5pm Johns Plain and Fancy Diner - 50 southwest end blvd. Quakertown pa 18951 Field Coordinator: Mark Kolesar, 215.208.2997
11am - 1pm Timothy's Restaurant in the Parkway Shopping - 929 South High Street, West Chester PA, 19382 Field Coordinator - Matthew Hissy, 610.209.7565
1pm - 3pm - Hampton Inn - 530 West Dekalb Pike King of Prussia, PA 19406 Field Coordinator: Ed Boyd, 215.970.1575
3pm - 5pm Johns Plain and Fancy Diner - 50 southwest end blvd. Quakertown pa 18951 Field Coordinator: Mark Kolesar, 215.208.2997
The American Sheepdogs show public support for our troops and their families every Saturday at the corner of High and Market Streets in West Chester, PA. Their rallies last one hour, 11AM till noon.
Live in Bucks County & want to help Get Out The Vote? Come on down to The Kitchen Table Patriots & FreedomWorks for America "Freedom Workshop" campaign HQ open 11AM-9PM M-F, 10AM-5PM on Saturday. Phone Number: (267) 247-5614
2405 Heritage Center Drive, Building 800, Suite 128 (second floor), Furlong, PA. 18925
The Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots need your help Saturdays to GOTV IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY PA
Weekly Saturday sidewalk rallies hosted by the General Wayne Tea Party, 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. at the intersection of Route 202 and Mall Boulevard at the King of Prussia Mall.