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CFL Meeting! United Nations/2nd Amendment

You're cordially invited to attend our next monthly meeting!

The truth is that our government has been hijacked by globalists, elected officials like President Bush, President Obama, & elites that have publicly said they want to destroy our U.S. Sovereignty and 2nd amendment.

We will have a presentation on The United Nations, the people behind the downfall of our Republic, and why we must protect the 2nd Amendment & promote gun safety.

- The U.N. presentation will be given by CFL's own Steve Piotrowski & Jackie Piotrowski.
- Special guest speaker Darren Wolfe will talk to us about Gun Rights.

Come out, get educated, and get active!

WHEN: Wednesday, January 16th, 2013
TIME: Doors open at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7pm
WHERE: Valley Forge Beef & Ale
827 S Trooper Rd
Norristown, PA. 19403