We have a 47 passenger charter bus reserved for this event. The price is only $35.00 per person. This includes complimentary coffee, donuts & bottled spring water. So please join us & other patriots, relax and leave the driving to us!
There are three ways that you can pay. You can pay in cash or your method of choice at our upcoming meeting on Wednesday, April 17th. You can also mail a check or money order to Jane Marie Toal - 1801 Butler Pike #187, Conshohocken, PA. 19428. If you send it in the mail it MUST be received to us by no later than Wednesday, April 17th.
The 8th annual Pennsylvania 2nd Amendment Action Day will take place in HARRISBURG on Tuesday APRIL 23, 2013. It's time to take action against Tyranny & fight for Liberty! We will be supporting Daryl Metcalfe's NULLIFICATION bill "HB 357" which will protect our God-given 2nd Amendment rights from ANY unconstitutional Federal Law that we deem unfit.
This event has proven to be very effective in the past and massive numbers of boots on the ground is vital.
After the rally, participants will be invited to break into large groups to visit legislators. Your participation will help make sure that you rights will be protected.
When: Tuesday, April 23rd
Meeting Location: Huge mall parking lot near Wells Fargo Bank, 694 W Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia, PA.
Departure Time: 7:30AM (Please arrive early)
- Arrive at PA Capitol 9:15AM
- Rally is from 10-11AM
- From 11AM-1:00PM we will have enough time to speak to our State Reps & eat lunch.
- Departing from PA Capitol at 1:00PM
- Arrive back in King of Prussia at 2:45PM