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Join us for our next meeting! Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Citizens for Liberty:  Police-State Part 2

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 7PM
Jeffersonville Golf Club
2400 W Main St, Norristown, PA 19403

All are Welcome!!! Please invite your family/friend's.
Help us fight for Freedom!

At last month's meeting Senator Mike Folmer rocked the house with a speech about the unconstitutional (NDAA) National Defense Authorization Act. Under the NDAA, U.S. military and government can arrest U.S. Citizens without any charges (or evidence), they can do it secretly (Just disappear you), & they can hold you indefinitely with NO right to a trial. The Senator introduced a bill that will make it a crime for any Pennsylvania government official or police to enforce the NDAA. The legislation is called SB 999, The Liberty Preservation Act. This is a followup meeting from last month and is round 2 of the police-state!

We are growing fast & taking further action against the NDAA, but we can't do it without your help.


-The rise of the Police-State
-The Constitution
-Upcoming events
-What you can do to help
- We'll also have open-mic... This is your chance to be heard!

We have a special announcement for an upcoming event that we will be partaking in. You don't want to miss this!


- Darren Wolfe, blogger of "The International Libertarian."
- William Taylor Reil, Constitutionalist and Founder of the "Sheriff Brigades Of Pennsylvania."