A revolution is brewing in Montgomery County. Almost 200 people, most armed to the teeth, gathered on the street in front of the County Courthouse on Saturday 2/23/2013 (aka .223) for a rally organized by our group Citizens for Liberty in support of our 2nd Amendment & Natural God-Given Rights.
People from all political backgrounds came out in support for this including The Tea Party, Anonymous, Occupy, Libertarians, Democrats, Republicans, & Independents. The message was clear. It is not about party lines, its about coming together as a people on common principled issues. "This will send ripples through the establishment". They will no longer divide us. This rally can be looked at as a peaceful warning to the Federal Government that 1776 will commence again if they continue to shred our constitution, & we will defend it god-forbid if necessary from a tyrannical government foreign or domestic.
The rally featured several speakers including CFL's Founders Steve Piotrowski & Jackie Piotrowski, PA. State Representative Daryl Metcalfe, William Taylor Reil, Ronnie Harper, & Darren Wolfe. They all spoke very passionately about their thoughts on the 2nd Amendment, liberty, and was also followed by a huge open carry walk through downtown Norristown. This was monumental! Our community has never seen anything like this. Over 150+ armed patriots marched down the street chanting "UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION... WE NEED A REVOLUTION". The walk was lead by Steve Piotrowski with the bullhorn, Jackie Piotrowski & Jane Toal carrying the CFL banner, & Adam Piotrowski filming. But most importantly, we could not of pulled this off without the support of everyone who attended, including James Kist with the military truck, and Carol Sexton who sang. Thank you all! We hope that you will join us for our monthly meeting at Peppers Restaurant in King of Prussia on Wednesday, March 20th at 7pm... More info will be emailed soon. Our next rally will be in a month, please stay in contact with us for instant updates by LIKING our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CFLiberty
A big thank you to the Norristown Police & the Sheriff Department for helping us makes things as smooth as possible. Also, thank you to The Times Herald for the positive & fair review.
Here is a video of the open carry march: http://youtu.be/0Oga3aVdTck
Videos of the speakers can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrDarrenlobo2112?feature=watch
Link to a newspaper that put us on the front page with a positive review:

the right... CFL Founders Steve Piotrowski, Adam Piotrowski, PA. State
Rep. Daryl Metcalf, & CFL Founder Jackie Piotrowski