On .223, February 23, 2013 the American people will stand together in solidarity to protect the right that protects ALL of our rights, the 2nd Amendment! This is a pro-2nd Amendment rally along with other liberties that they are trying to take away. This is more than just about gun rights, this rally is a battle cry in support of ALL our Constitutional & god-given rights that are being flushed down the toilet PIECE by PIECE! People are organizing locally and banding together neighbor to neighbor to reassert our community's right to determine our own destiny! This is NOT a Republican thing, this is NOT a Democrat thing, this is an American thing. Join today by RSVPing!
2:00 - Rally Starts (feel free to come a little early if you can)
3:00 - Special Guest Speakers
3:30 - Open Carry Walk
4:00 til ? - After rally gathering at Giacomo's Ristorante. It's on Main Street approximately 3 blocks away from our rally. You know you'll be hungry... And thirsty! Feel free to join us after the rally.
[Where] Rally will be at the Montgomery County Courthouse
2 E Main St Norristown, PA 19401 (Main & Swede St)
1. Steve Piotrowski
2. PA. State Representative Daryl Metcalfe
3. William Taylor Reil
4. Sgt Robert Allen Mansfield
5. Ronnie Harper
6. Darren Wolfe
7. Jackie Piotrowski