Statewide Protest Against Tom Wolf's Inauguration!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
We hope that you can join us as we protest Tom Wolf's Anti-2nd Amendment Agenda on his Inauguration day!

- Wants to enact unconstitutional universal background checks on firearms.
- Wants to ban assault weapons (the scary looking rifles).
- Wants to grant local municipalities the ability to enact their own gun control ordinances that will violate the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Tom Wolf will be an "Oath Breaker", and We the People of this Commonwealth will not stand for it!
We'll be rallying across the street from his inauguration on Commonwealth Ave located behind the Capitol building.
We also plan to get as many people as possible to register for FREE tickets to Tom Wolf's inauguration ceremony AND NOT ATTEND. We want to see a lot of EMPTY SEATS, but we can't do this without your help!
CLICK HERE to get your free Swearing-In Ceremony Tickets NOW to make sure that there are plenty of empty seats.
The rally will be on Commonwealth Ave, between North Dr & South St, right across from the fountain in the backside of the building. Afterwards we plan on warming up with some lunch/coffee inside, and talking to our legislators.
[WHEN] Tuesday, January 20 , 2015
[WHERE] Commonwealth Ave & South St, Harrisburg, PA
The State Capitol address is North 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120. We will be on the back side on Commonwealth Ave.
BRING SIGNS, APPROPRIATE FLAGS, BULLHORNS, AND DRESS WARM! We'll also have a petition floating around, so be sure to sign it! Open/concealed carry is highly encouraged. Molon Labe Wolf!