Citizens for Liberty monthly meeting: Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Event kicks off at 7:00 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.
King of Prussia Volunteer Fire Company
170 Allendale Rd, King of Prussia, PA 19406
Cliven & Carol Bundy will be speaking LIVE through Skype from the Bundy Ranch.
Also, Andrew Poliakoff, a New York first responder, & Lou Arquer will be traveling all the way from Long Island, New York to speak to our organization.
Andrew and Lou traveled to Nevada to help the militia secure the Bundy Ranch after the standoff with the Feds in 2014. They've also traveled to the border to help the Arizona Border Recon patrol known drug/cartel operated areas to help keep America's borders safe and secure.
Be sure to attend this historical event to hear the Bundy's, as well as the heroes that were there, Andrew Poliakoff and Lou Arquer.
Mark your calendars, and think of some questions that you'd like to ask!
CFL March Meeting: Right to bear arms w/Kim Stolfer & Joshua Prince
"The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall NOT BE QUESTIONED."
- Article 1, Section 21. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
For our March 4th meeting, Citizens for Liberty is honored to host our two expert guest speakers!
1. Kim Stolfer, Chairman of Firearms Owners Against Crime and a combat Veteran (USMC) who served in Vietnam. Kim is very dedicated in fighting for our rights, and we bet after hearing him speak you're going to want to find the nearest river and dump some tea! He is driving all the way from Pittsburgh to speak to us, so lets give him a huge Southeast PA welcome!!!
2. Joshua Prince of Prince Law Offices & Firearms Industry Consulting Group. He has been instrumental in protecting citizens rights around the state. Recently, Joshua has sent letters to over 90 municipalities regarding their unlawful firearm
ordinances, and many have repealed their illegal firearms ordinances because of it. He will also be giving us some valuable tips on our rights as firearm owners.
- Citizens for Liberty will also discuss what we've been up to, and we are excited to announce our new Leadership Team.
Mark your calendars now to attend! Open/Concealed carry is welcomed. Whether you own a firearm or you're just a 2nd Amendment supporter in general, this is one event you do not want to miss! Tom Wolf is planning to wage war against our God-given right to keep and bear arms; but NOT on our watch! Help us keep Second Amendment liberty in Pennsylvania, second to none.
DATE: Wednesday, March 4, 2015
TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
Come early to check out our information tables and to check out a book from our free Liberty Library collection!
ADDRESS: King of Prussia Volunteer Fire Company
170 Allendale Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
REMINDER: We have changed our monthly meetings to the 1st Wednesday of each month due to a majority of member votes.
President Obama's Backdoor Gun Control
In a move clearly intended by the Obama Administration to suppress the acquisition, ownership and use of AR-15s and other .223 caliber general purpose rifles, the ATF announced that it intends to ban commonplace M855 ball ammunition. The decision continues Obama’s use of his executive authority to impose gun control restrictions and bypass Congress.
The ATF announced that it will be accepting “comments for 30 days” prior to finalizing ban. The ATF says those comments will be received until March 16, 2015.
What is our "comment" to the Federal Government?
"I'll give you my ammo when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands!"
With your help, we can STOP this dead in its tracks right here in Pennsylvania. We the People of the several States hold the ultimate authority over government, and we have the power to reject any unconstitutional federal law such as this one.
Join the fight and Sign Our Petition to let your voice be heard!
Statewide Protest Against Tom Wolf's Inauguration! 1/20/2015
Statewide Protest Against Tom Wolf's Inauguration!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
We hope that you can join us as we protest Tom Wolf's Anti-2nd Amendment Agenda on his Inauguration day!

- Wants to enact unconstitutional universal background checks on firearms.
- Wants to ban assault weapons (the scary looking rifles).
- Wants to grant local municipalities the ability to enact their own gun control ordinances that will violate the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Tom Wolf will be an "Oath Breaker", and We the People of this Commonwealth will not stand for it!
We'll be rallying across the street from his inauguration on Commonwealth Ave located behind the Capitol building.
We also plan to get as many people as possible to register for FREE tickets to Tom Wolf's inauguration ceremony AND NOT ATTEND. We want to see a lot of EMPTY SEATS, but we can't do this without your help!
CLICK HERE to get your free Swearing-In Ceremony Tickets NOW to make sure that there are plenty of empty seats.
The rally will be on Commonwealth Ave, between North Dr & South St, right across from the fountain in the backside of the building. Afterwards we plan on warming up with some lunch/coffee inside, and talking to our legislators.
[WHEN] Tuesday, January 20 , 2015
[WHERE] Commonwealth Ave & South St, Harrisburg, PA
The State Capitol address is North 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120. We will be on the back side on Commonwealth Ave.
BRING SIGNS, APPROPRIATE FLAGS, BULLHORNS, AND DRESS WARM! We'll also have a petition floating around, so be sure to sign it! Open/concealed carry is highly encouraged. Molon Labe Wolf!
CFL Christmas Party & Fundraiser
A big thank you to our Thomas Jefferson Sponsor Patricia Adam, and our Patriot Sponsor Ken Fichtner.
Join us for a wonderful fun-filled Christmas Extravaganza & fundraiser to secure the future of liberty in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
We are preparing for the tough battle's ahead, and we hope that you can join us. "If not us, WHO? If not now, WHEN?"
We are preparing for the tough battle's ahead, and we hope that you can join us. "If not us, WHO? If not now, WHEN?"
Friday, December 12, 2014.
Event starts at 7:00 p.m.
Buffet opens at 7:30 p.m.
Guest Speakers
LIVE MUSIC - Jett Blaq of the Red Alert Band
Door Prizes, Raffles, & a 50/50
Celebration concludes at 11 p.m.
Where: Jeffersonville Golf Club
2400 W Main St, Norristown, PA 19403
State Senator Mike Folmer
Sarah Merkle
16 year old gun-rights activist
Dan Gray
Writer, speaker, activist
We'll also be continuing our annual tradition with our Christmas stockings full of coal that we'll be sending to several "NAUGHTY" politicians, so think of who you'd like us to put on Santa's list.
CLICK HERE to get your early-bird registration tickets right away!
You can also mail checks/money orders payable to: Citizens for Liberty, P.O. Box 782, Oaks Pennsylvania, 19456.
We have sponsorship levels available to help further the cause for Freedom. Will you be that person?
Includes eight tickets, name listed on website & program, a reserved table, and a pocket Declaration of Independence for each guest.
>>> This is a great package for tea party & liberty groups, and businesses.
Includes four tickets, name listed on website & program, and a pocket Declaration of Independence for each guest.
Includes two tickets, name listed on website & program, and a pocket Declaration of Independence for each guest.
For more information on this event, please contact: Steve Piotrowski, President of Citizens for Liberty at Thank you in advance for your support!
Brought to you by our Citizens for Liberty Christmas Party Fundraising Committee
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